Philosophy of Education

Over the course of my experiences as a pre-service teacher I have come to believe that all children deserve to have a quality education that meets each of their diverse needs. I believe that it is the role of the educator to provide the best possible experience for all students, by differentiating teaching instruction and learning experiences.

Diversity among students outlines my belief that all students have different capabilities, talents, skills, weaknesses and strengths, and therefore should not be compared to others.I believe that not one child is exactly alike and therefore should not be treated as such. Rather than equality, I believe in equity within the classroom.

All students deserve to feel comfortable within the confines of their schools, and more specifically, their classrooms. Through the many realities within schools today, it is in every way, the role of the teacher to create a comfortable space in which all students can feel safe, comfortable and respected.

It is my belief that diversity in the classroom should not be questioned, but rather, should be embraced and celebrated. I feel that students of all cultures, exceptionalities, beliefs, and socio-economic status’ should not be afraid to express who they are in their, and should bring parts of themselves into their classroom community.

Teachers are inspirational, influential and positive role models in the field of education, and because of the powerful nature of this role, it is our job to be adaptable and empathetic toward all individuals, in order to support the learning needs of all students!

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